Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What exactly is a health coach?

A health coach will help you cultivate a mindset and habits that support your goals and ideal vison of wellness. I am a non-judgmental partner who helps you gain clarity around what you really want and supports you in crafting a plan to achieve it in manageable steps.

What is a functional health coach?

A functional health coach takes a holistic approach to wellness and is trained to work independently or collaborate with health care providers. I also recognize that sleep, stress management and meaningful connection are just as important for optimal wellness as boosting nutrient density and physical activity. You will have the opportunity to evaluate these areas and decide what’s important to focus on when you work with me.

Will a health coach tell me what to do?

Studies show that telling people what to do doesn’t work. As a professionally trained health coach, I can offer information and resources when desired, but will honor your autonomy and decisions regarding how you choose to use that information.

How is health coaching different than therapy?

Therapy helps people recover from the past in order to move forward. Health coaching is future-focused and discovery-oriented.

What will I have to give up?

The only things you have to give up while working with me are self-judgment and limiting beliefs! Other than that, you decide what strategies are going to work best for your life and circumstances. There are many paths to wellness!

When is the right time to hire a health coach?

When you’ve been wanting to make important changes in your life, but you find yourself doing the same old thing day after day, it’s time. I can help you break through the status quo and finally move forward to achieve what you really want.

How soon can I expect to see results?

Health coaching is both heart-centered and action-oriented. You will start implementing doable steps and having small victories right away, and maybe some big ones too!

How many visits will I need?

It’s advisable to initially plan for at least 3-5 visits so you can gain momentum, put new habits into practice and troubleshoot obstacles. Some clients find that this is enough to help them move consistently in their desired direction. Others choose to continue as a method of self-accountability.

How do health coaching sessions take place?

Sessions can take place either in-person if desired by local clients, or via telephone or Zoom depending on your preference.

How long are health coaching sessions?

The Wellness Vision session is 40 minutes long. Subsequent sessions are 30 minutes long. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much can be accomplished in 30 minutes.

How do you protect my privacy?

I take confidentiality and your privacy very seriously. Each client is assigned a unique code and records are stored in a password-protected computer.

Do you take insurance?

At this point insurance coverage for health coaching is limited. Flexible Spending or Health Savings Accounts can sometimes be used. Check with your plan provider for coverage details.

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My Credentials

I am a graduate of the Kresser Institute, ADAPT – Health Coach Training program, and am an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach. I also hold a B.S. Degree in Biology.