work with me

Coaching is a client-centered partnership that will help you gain clarity around what you really want, identify the best path to reach your goals and, most importantly, help you overcome the obstacles that have kept you stuck so you can finally make it happen!

power of coaching?

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The Power of Coaching

Whether you’re a little curious or ready to jump in and crush your goals, 

There’s a coaching option that’s right for you.

"Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality, upgrade your conviction to match your destiny."

-Alpa Wiser

In a free 20-minute call, you can get your questions answered and learn how health coaching can equip you with the tools and mindset you'll need to create a sustainable wellness plan and achieve your goals.

No pressure or obligation
Connect via phone or Zoom

Work With Me

20-Minute Information Call

The Clarity Session will give you a new perspective on your health goals and a sense of excitement that you can achieve them. In one hour, you can clearly define what you want to achieve and develop a plan to start moving in that direction. Experience the thought-provoking power of coaching with no further commitment.

One 60-Minute Clarity Session

Build a solid foundation for creating sustainable change in your life through personalized one-to-one coaching.
6 45-minute sessions over three months will kickstart your wellness journey and equip you for a lifetime of better health and true transformation.

The Transformation Toolkit - 3 Month Coaching Program

what's Included >
what's Included >


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One 60-Minute Clarity Session

The Clarity Session will give you a new perspective on your health goals and a sense of excitement that you can achieve them. In one hour, you can clearly define what you want to achieve and develop a plan to start moving in that direction. Experience the thought-provoking power of coaching with no further commitment.
You will also receive:
  • Email summary of your session for continued inspiration
  • A complementary download of my workbook, Coach Yourself to Vibrant Health
  • Targeted resources based on your session
  • Connect via phone or Zoom. In-person option available for Bemidji area clients.

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$100 for 1 personal session

The Transformation Toolkit - 3 Month Coaching Program

Build a solid foundation for creating sustainable change in your life through personalized one-to-one coaching.
6 45-minute sessions over three months will kickstart your wellness journey and equip you for a lifetime of better health and true transformation.

In The Transformation Toolkit, you will:
  • Break free from preconceived ideas of what you believe is possible
  • Create a compelling vision of who you want to be
  • Map out the steps necessary to get you there
  • Create an actionable plan to start moving in that direction
  • Identify obstacles and devise plans to overcome old patterns and challenges
  • Access personalized resources
  • Receive encouragement, support and accountability as you move in a whole new direction
  • Meet via Zoom. In-person option available for Bemidji area clients.

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$699 - 3 Months, 1-1 Coaching Program

Studies show that telling people what to do doesn’t work. Coaching is a collaborative partnership rather than an expert/student dynamic. As a professional coach, I will offer information and resources when needed, but YOU have the final say on if and how you use that information move forward.



The only things you’ll give up while working with me are self-judgment and limiting beliefs. After we discuss possible strategies, you decide what the next step should be, based on your life and circumstances. There are many paths to wellness!


When you’ve been wanting to make important changes with your habits and are frustrated that you find yourself doing the same old thing day after day, it’s time. I can help you break through the status quo and FINALLY make real progress toward the life you most desire.


Health coaching is both heart-centered and action-oriented. You will start implementing doable steps and having small victories right away, and maybe some big ones too!


Therapy helps people recover from the past in order to move forward. Although health coaching allows you to honor the past and the wisdom it has taught, the coaching dynamic is primarily discovery-oriented and future-focused.


Current insurance coverage for health coaching is limited. Flexible Spending or Health Savings accounts can sometimes be used. You can check with your plan provider to see if coaching with a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) is covered.


"As a business owner, I know the importance of a strong foundation.

-Kristy K.

Working with Melanie felt like that. She helped me build a solid base for my health, and her positive energy was contagious. Thanks to Melanie’s guidance, I’m moving more, making healthy food choices and even doing a little victory dance to celebrate reaching my goals!"

"After almost a year of working with Melanie, I have changed a lot in my life - both personally and professionally.

-Sarah M.

Working with Melanie improved my mental clarity and well-being, which strengthened my relationship with my husband and daughter. Melanie was compassionate and patient, yet kept me focused on my goal setting and what I wanted to achieve.”

"Having Melanie as my coach helped me stay focused on my goals.


This increased my motivation and helped me take steps to achieve them. Melanie was a great encouragement to me. She helped me see that my personal goals could be accomplished."

"I very much enjoyed working with Melanie.


I appreciated her ability to help me identify and leverage my strengths…even ones I didn’t know I had. She has a natural, kind and caring presence that made our coaching calls so enjoyable."

"Before coaching, I often found myself getting overwhelmed with indecision.

-Kari T.

Melanie helped me identify my barriers to decision making. We worked together to create a plan with smaller steps for me to move forward in several areas of life. Working with Melanie has improved how I function and handle stress.

Coach yourself to vibrant health

free download

Learn the foundations of healthy habit building for yourself, in this guide to health coaching foundations.